Waiting list

Waiting list rules


All plot holders are members of the Association. The ALLOCATION OF PLOTS is administered by the Committee according to the following procedures.

New applicants:

All new applicants should register their interest with the Membership Co-ordinator, Julie Hillman (see below), providing their name and full contact details. Julie will then guide you through the process of becoming a member.

If there are no plots available at the time of application your details will be put on the waiting list.

Plots are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Existing plot holders – to take on extra space and/or to change plots:

In the past, existing members have only been able to have another plot if no one was on the waiting list. That rule has been relaxed lately, but if waiting list numbers increase greatly, this will be reviewed.

1. You must ask for your name to be put on the waiting list for an extra plot or half plot to show that you are interested in extra ground well in advance of a plot becoming available. This should be done in writing to the Membership Co-ordinator, Julie Hillman, (see below) preferably by email, but if not then by post.

2. If you are particularly interested in a specific plot, for example the half plot next to your half plot, then that should be indicated when you ask to go on the waiting list.

3. You will not be offered an extra plot if the whole of your existing plot is not cultivated.

4. A request for the other half plot to make your present plot into a whole plot takes priority over other people on the waiting list, otherwise, normal waiting list rules apply i.e. first come first served.

Membership Co-ordinator: Julie Hillman

01458 446643 / street.allotments@gmail.com