
Street & District Allotments Association Rules (Amended Mar 2024)

1. Officers & Committee members shall be elected annually at the AGM which will be held no later than 31st March.

2. All plot holders must be members of the Association. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership to any person considered unacceptable.

3. Plots are let on a yearly basis with tenancy running from 1st March to 28th February. Tenancy can be terminated at any time by the elected Officers of the Association if they are satisfied that the tenancy agreement has been violated.

4. Whenever a tenancy is terminated, the member shall be notified in writing and given 14 days to appeal against the decision. This rule shall apply in all cases except for termination under rules 7 & 20 and where an improvement notice has been issued. (see rule 8). The individual shall be given the opportunity to voice their point of view, for reconsideration by the full Committee, in the presence of two members of the Committee, selected by the Committee. They will be entitled to bring someone of their choosing for support.

5. Payment of rent and/or Association membership fees is deemed to be acceptance of these rules by the member since these rules form part of the basis of the plot holder’s tenancy agreement. In the case of a tenancy being terminated, the plot holder shall forfeit any rent and subs which may have been paid.

6. Rents are to be paid no later than the 1st March. All rents and subs are due in advance.

7. Members whose rent and subs are in arrears must clear those arrears within 21 days of the date on the reminder notice. Failure to clear the arrears within the 21 days will be taken as notice that the member no longer wishes to retain the plot and the Committee will then assume that the plot is vacant and re-let it to another tenant.

8. The Committee reserves the right to refuse rent and subs from members whose plot has not been cultivated or is in an unacceptable condition (ref rule 27). Such plots must be tidied and improved within one month of written notice to do so or the tenancy may be terminated. Illness or family emergencies will be taken into consideration before terminating the tenancy. Any appeal against termination must be submitted before the month has elapsed.

9. Members must not sub-let plots or part of their plot.(ref: Rule 2).

10. Members are asked to give at least two months’ notice before 1st March if they intend giving up their plot. This notice should be given to any Committee member.

11. Paths must not be removed without prior agreement from a Committee member. Members are responsible for maintaining the path along the left hand side of their plot as viewed from the main thoroughfare. Each path must be a minimum of 12 inches wide. Fences must not obstruct road ways and paths. Fences around plots must not obstruct light on adjoining plots and should not exceed 3 feet in height unless agreed with a Committee member and the holders of the adjoining plots.

12. Members are requested to respect all paths, walkways and drives. Care must be taken when driving on the allotment area. Do not drive on soft ground damaging grass walkways.

13. Members are asked to help maintain the site in a clean and tidy condition. Composting is recommended for the disposal of organic waste, all non-compostable waste should be taken to the Civic Amenity site at Farm Lane. Allotment fires are not permitted at Brooks Road, but allotment fires at the other sites are permitted on the member's own plot (garden waste and white smoke only) but due respect of neighbouring houses and allotments must be considered. The Committee will be forced to ban fires on any allotment site which receives complaints. Please remember an allotment fire is not a right.

14. The keeping of hens for non-business purposes is permitted to a maximum of 5 hens per allotment. Cock birds are not permitted. Bee hives are also permitted. The agreement of the Committee is required before acquiring hens/bees – terms & conditions apply (see separate leaflet). The correct housekeeping for all live stock must be observed. The allotment holder will be totally responsible for the welfare of their birds/bees.

S&DAA Rules continued

15. Rats and vermin are always a problem near chicken houses, please take precautions to avoid infestations. Should you have a problem with rats the Committee should be consulted. Please do not leave it until we receive a complaint from neighbouring homes.

16. Members’ dogs and children must be kept under control and not be allowed to roam free across other members’ allotments and paths.

17. Members are required to maintain a safe environment for themselves and any visitors. Members are totally responsible for all health and safety issues on their allotment and adjacent paths. The Committee and the Association will not accept responsibility for any claims against a member for poor housekeeping and/or dangerous practices.

18. Cars are to be parked in such a way that they do not obstruct paths or roadways.

19. Suggestions or ideas for improving the Association or changes to the rules should be submitted to the secretary at least 10 days before the AGM so that they may be included into the agenda.

20. Members are not permitted to grow any illegal substances. Any member found growing these plants will be reported to the authorities and their allotment confiscated.

21. Any dispute shall be settled by the Committee whose decision shall be final and binding.

22. Petrol and power tools should not be left on allotments. The Association will not be responsible for any loss of tools. Total responsibility for security on an allotment is down to the allotment holder.

23. New members will be accepted on a six month probation period. Should a new member's allotment not meet a reasonable standard in the six month period, (in the view of the Committee) then the allotment will be withdrawn and will be allocated to the next on the waiting list. No refund of any fees paid will be returned. (see rule 5)

24. There should be no use of back pack pressurised sprayers for the spraying of herbicides or pesticides.

25. No tenant shall cause another tenant harassment, alarm or distress. Any use of violence, threats of violence or damage to another’s property will be grounds for immediate termination of tenancy. This includes any action which, in the view of the Committee, brings the Association into disrepute.

26. Legislation requires that an allotment is wholly or mainly cultivated by the occupier for the production of vegetable or fruit crops for their own consumption (flowers are also permitted) and its use for trade or business is prohibited. It is permissible for plot-holders to sell surplus produce.

27. Plot holders must i) keep their plot clean and actively cultivated; ii) not allow weeds or anything else to cause a nuisance to neighbouring plot holders; iii) not use the allotment for dumping and/or storage of extraneous materials not required in cultivation.

28. The Committee shall use National Allotment Society recommendations as guidance in dealing with any issue that arises and is not covered in existing rules.

29. Past members whose tenancy was terminated due to lack of activity shall not be considered for another plot for the period of 3 years post termination, subject to the discretion of the Committee.

30. Members shall agree that at the end of their tenure they will remove any and all extraneous items they have added to their plot. They shall not leave abandoned any item or material that presents the incoming plot holder or the Association with a problem of disposal.

31. Members are required to seek the consent of the Committee before erecting any new structure bigger that 10’x8’ (3mx2.5m) and, before erecting any new structure of any size, to first consult with their immediately adjacent plot-holders. Any disagreement should be referred to the Committee to arbitrate. Existing structures are not affected.