Annual General Meeting March 7th 2021
Committee Officers: Chair: Brian Stanley; Treasurer: Peter Fry; Secretary: Julie Hillman Present: 25 members
1. Welcome Brian Stanley welcomed everyone to the 2021 AGM and explained how the Zoom meeting would work. Attendees would be muted unless they indicated they wished to speak.
2. Apologies Suzie Williams. (Attendees were asked to email any other apologies to the Secretary.)
3. Minutes of the last AGM 8th March 2020 These have been posted on our website since last March and were displayed on our site notice boards for some time following the meeting. There were no questions nor matters arising and the minutes were approved unanimously by those present.
4. Annual Report – Brian Stanley / Julie Hillman / Peter Fry
Brian told the meeting that he had been unable to give his allotment the attention he would like and so with regret had surrendered his plot and resigned the position of Chairman. He thanked everyone for their support during his time as Chair. Being largely uninvolved with the affairs of the Association through the year he looked to Julie then Peter to give the annual report.
Thanks – Julie said thank you to Brian for all his efforts during his 3 year Chairmanship and asked for a show of hands from the meeting in appreciation. Thank you also to Christine who is stepping down from the Committee as Site Rep for Farm Lane and Membership Co-ordinator. Thank you also on behalf of all members to our Site Reps and indeed to any member who lent a hand over the past year in any way.
Covid 19 & its implications – First to say despite the difficult year it has been quite evident how much many of us continued to enjoy an excellent harvest and took great pleasure being out in the air, active, free and safe!
· Defining safety guidelines – The 1st lockdown came just 2 weeks after our 2020 AGM. Committee meetings had to be suspended but Committee activities continued as fully as was possible. With the help of the National Allotment Society we drew up safety guidelines appropriate to our situation and prominently displayed them at each of the three sites. Members should note these restrictions are still in place.
· Temporary suspension of site inspections – We were conscious that due to the pandemic some plot holders might be unable to tend their allotment for short or even long periods of time. We felt it would be unfair to penalise plot holders because of this and so decided to suspend site inspections.
· Taking stock – As the peak growing season was coming to an end there was a need to take stock and in Sept we carried out the first and only site inspection of the year. In total 17 written improvement notices were issued across the 3 sites and a number of other members with neglected plots were given a verbal nudge. This resulted in a number of plots being surrendered. Members who held on to their plots and made some improvement will be expected to build on this progress over the coming season. This process, which involves quite a bit of work on the part of Committee Members, led to the proposed additions to the rules as at item 8.
· Committee meetings are likely to resume from now on and dates will be displayed on the notice boards. Please remember you need not wait for a meeting to raise an issue but can speak to your Site Rep at any time.
Other general issues
· Handing over a plot – Members should be aware that any item of value on a plot such as a shed, if left behind by an outgoing plot holder, becomes the property of that plot. The outgoing plot holder is entitled to sell or otherwise dispose of the item only if it belongs to them personally.
· Paths are there to provide a thoroughfare for anyone needing access. Responsibility for maintaining a particular path does not confer an exclusive right of use. Whatever the arrangement of paths, the general principle applies that plot holders should not put in place any obstruction restricting their neighbour’s access.
Brooks Rd – there were a few issues to follow up after the 2020 AGM
· The walnut tree was inspected and found to be safe and in good condition.
· Bees – Tim Sellars, an experienced bee keeper, surveyed the 3 sites and identified a very few, precisely defined, areas where it might be possible to place a bee hive. All would require putting in place special measures for safety. Members must seek permission of the Committee before obtaining bees.
· Upkeep of boundaries – The Committee again dealt with several boundary related issues at Brooks Rd. Plot holders are asked to be considerate of neighbouring residential properties, not to accumulate rubbish at the boundary and as far as possible to keep vegetation along the boundary under control.
· Thank you & general upkeep – On behalf of Brooks Rd plot holders Julie thanked Site Rep, Steve Look, who really goes the extra mile. However it’s important we don’t take Site Reps for granted. When restrictions ease we will be looking for more people to get involved, making a contribution to the general upkeep of the sites.
Farm Lane
· Peter said thank you to Site Rep, Amos Hurst. He and Peter have been keeping an eye on things at Farm Lane throughout the pandemic. They think the plots look better than they have done for a long time and put this down to the fact that visiting their allotment has been a real life-saver for many people.
· There were a few problem plots mostly due to their untidy nature, being littered with waste materials as well as brambles and bindweed, all of which must be corrected.
· Late in the year the poplar trees at the edge of the Withies estate were cut down, the contractor accessing the area via our lane and across the ditch. As was agreed we provided them with a key to the gate. However on the first day of work the lock was broken. No liability was admitted but we were left with no alternative but to buy a new lock and set of keys for all plot holders.
· The contractor’s heavy machinery also badly churned up the lane’s surface. Assessing the situation when work was complete, it was hoped by all parties that the surface would settle again with drier weather; so far this has not proved to be the case. The ditch has been left in a sorry state littered with branches etc. and at one point an entire tree which trespassers can use as a bridge to access the site. This is an unsatisfactory situation which we will be seeking to get have resolved.
There were no issues specific to the Strode Rd site to report.
5. Treasurer’s Report – Peter Fry
Peter thanked member Martin Moreby for scrutinising the accounts and signing them to say they are a true record. A summary was included with the agenda sent to all members. This year because of the pandemic and the need to hold the AGM via Zoom, the period covered is up to 31 Jan instead of the usual 28 Feb. As usual it includes 2020 subs (£701) collected at or after last year’s AGM but, contrary to usual practice, not 2021 subs collected very recently.
Through the year we had the usual outgoings of rent to landlords (unchanged), insurance, subscription to the Allotment & Gardens Assoc. and charges for printing and hall hire all similar to recent years. The Farm Lane expense of £239 is for the new padlock and keys as mentioned above.
Outgoings continue to be less than income and there is judged to be no reason to propose an increase in fees.
Since issuing bills for 2021 very close to 100% of members have paid their dues (total £1,597) with more than half paying by bank transfer and only 20% in cash. Clearly there is no real need to collect money at the AGM and next year it is proposed that this option will not be offered.
There were no questions and the accounts were unanimously approved by those present.
6. Membership – Peter Fry
Taken from billing records the number of new members through the year were 2 to Brooks Rd / 8 to Farm Lane / 7 to Strode Rd. The current waiting list stands at 7 for Brooks Rd / 3 for Farm Lane / 0 for Strode Rd, whereas numbers of vacant plots are 0 / ½ / 2 full plots 3 halves respectively. Rather than facing the probability of a long wait for space on their preferred site applicants next on the list will be offered these latter plots.
7 Election of Officers & Committee Members
Three new nominations had been received.
Nina Swift
Julie Hillman / Richard Coles
A unanimous show of support was given and Nina assumed the role of Chair. The other new nominations were:
Site Rep, Brooks Rd
Craig Gooding
Julie Hillman / Bev Wicks
Site Rep, Farm Lane
Tim Sellars
Peter Fry / Julie Hillman
A unanimous show of support was given for these proposals.
Other Committee Members as below had agreed to stand for re-election and had been duly nominated.
Treasurer & Membership Co-ordinator
Peter Fry
Peter Scott / Margaret Just
Julie Hillman
Daryl Livingston / Adrian Chamberlain
Site Rep, Brooks Rd
Steve Look
Peter Kings / Dave Pope
Site Rep, Farm Lane
Amos Hurst
Denis Stanislaus / Robert Samuels
Site Reps, Strode Rd
Richard Coles
John Mizen
Di Baker / Christine Chapman
Peter Fry / Richard Coles
A unanimous show of support was given for all these proposals en bloc.
8. Additions to Association rules
The following 3 additions to Association rules were separately proposed and in each case approved by unanimous vote.
a) Sale of produce: Legislation requires that an allotment is wholly or mainly cultivated by the occupier for the production of vegetable or fruit crops for their own consumption (flowers are also permitted) and its use for trade or business is prohibited. It is permissible for plot-holders to sell surplus produce.
b) Cultivation standards – Plot holders must i) keep their plot clean and actively cultivated; ii) not allow weeds or anything else to cause a nuisance to neighbouring plot holders; iii) not use the allotment for dumping and/or storage of extraneous materials not required in cultivation.
c) General guidance – The Committee shall use National Allotment Society recommendations as guidance in dealing with any issue that arises and is not covered in existing rules.
9. Any Other Business There being no other business, Nina thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.